Why put up with less for your IELTS Test preparation?
Since January 2010, Pass IELTS Higher has been teaching people like you, IELTS Test candidates aiming for 6.5 or higher, how to improve your IELTS band scores.
We don’t use “teaser material” (which doesn’t give you the whole answer) to get you to buy stuff from us. We provide Valuable information that attracts your attention, teaches you important IELTS techniques and helps you to score higher. Our free information is high quality educational information. – Steve Price
Obviously it costs us money, time and effort to deliver the free information – so why do we do it?
Because that way you know that you will get very good coaching from us if you do decide that you want to buy a more detailed online course, or invest in some personal writing or speaking coaching to help you achieve your dreams.
You know you will receive high quality service from us if you buy our products.
Pass IELTS Higher started as a simple one-man blog. Today, we have over 11,000 people receiving our emails and we deliver over 50,000 IELTS Test Prepcast downloads per month. And that is growing.
It’s all done by providing useful content, smart learning materials, and exceptional products and services.
Today, Pass IELTS Higher brings you original, relevant online educational content (both free and premium) every week about what works right now in the IELTS Test.
And we’re not too humble to say it’s fast becoming the most popular online learning portal for the IELTS Test on the planet.
What can you expect?
- It’s not (just) about reading, writing, listening and speaking.
- It’s not (just) about grammar and vocabulary.
- It’s not (just) about learning IELTS topics.
Today, to perform well in the IELTS Test, it’s a bigger picture. You need to understand all the facets of effective IELTS Test Preparation, and this is what we teach
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